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Atsauksmes par web izstrādes aģentūru 2410. Kopš 2015. gada mēs sniedzam tīmekļa programmēšanas pakalpojumus trijos galvenajos virzienos: WordPress, B2B risinājumu izstrāde un individuāli izstrādāto skriptu programmēšana.

  • 7+ gadu pieredze web izstrādē
  • 150+ projektu, ieskaitot mājaslapas, biznesa sistēmas un automatizāciju
  • 50+ spraudņi izstrādāti pēdējā gada laikā
Balstīts uz 50+ atsauksmēm
Atsauksmes par 2410, web izstrādes aģentūruAtsauksmes par 2410, web izstrādes aģentūru


2410 review from LatviaLatvia
Izveidojās ļoti veiksmīga un konstruktīva sadarbība. Darba uzdevums tika izprasts, piemeklēts labākais iespējamais ri...

Owner, Financial Services Company

2410 review from LatviaLatvia
Thanks to 2410, the client's business has been automated and their productivity has increased by more than 80%. The c...


2410 review from United KingdomUnited Kingdom
It is always great working with Roman, He makes it clear what can be done and executes with extreme efficiency a true...


2410 review from South AfricaSouth Africa
Extremely fast response, delivered ahead of time. Even responding on feedback after initial delivery was nearly insta...


2410 review from NetherlandsNetherlands
Roman is very good at communicating and narrowing down the job as clear as possible to assure to get the job done on ...


2410 review from SloveniaSlovenia
Roman did a good job. Would recomment him.


2410 review from ItalyItaly
Fast and professional


2410 review from GermanyGermany
Absolutely perfect work. Easy work together. Listened exactly and finished the work which we wanted


2410 review from United StatesUnited States


2410 review from United StatesUnited States
Provided EXACTLY what I was looking for and more! I will order again!


2410 review from United StatesUnited States
good guy to work with


2410 review from United StatesUnited States
Really great work. Fast and professional. I will be a repeat customer.